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Artigos em livros de atas ► Internacionais


Referência Bibliográfica

GASPAR, J.L., PEREZ, N., FERREIRA, T., HERNÁNDEZ, P., TROTA, A., PADRÓN, E., QUEIROZ, G., GONZÁLEZ, P., SENOS, L., BLANCO, M.J., FERNÁNDEZ, J. (2004) - ALERTA: Projecto para a minimização do risco vulcânico nas regiões dos Açores e Canárias. 4ª Assembleia Luso Espanhola de Geodesia e Geofísica, Figueira da Foz, Fevereiro, pp. 1-2.


​The Azores and Canary Islands faced several volcanic eruptions in the historical times causing serious socio-economic problems. In nowadays, the occurrence of a volcanic eruption in any of the islands will have a greater impact due to the increase of the demographic pressure at hazardous areas. In order to reduce the volcanic risk in both archipelagos a project was developed under the INTERREG III-B UE Initiative. Herein we notice the strategy adopted to improve the volcano monitoring and warning systems in some of the most active volcanoes of these European ultraperipheric regions. The project includes the reinforcement of the existent geophysical, geodetic and geochemical surveillance networks, the setup of intra and inter-islands data transmission links and the establishment of a permanent communications system between the scientific coordination centres and the civil protection headquarters.

