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Artigos em livros de atas ► Internacionais


Referência Bibliográfica

MATIAS, L., DIAS, N.A., MORAIS, I., VALES, D., GASPAR, J.L., CARRILHO, F., SENOS, L. (2004) - Taxonomia de sismos: o exemplo da sequência sísmica do Faial de Julho de 1998. 4ª Assembleia Luso Espanhola de Geodesia e Geofísica, Figueira da Foz, Fevereiro 2004, pp. 1.


​Taxonomy is the science of classification and identification where a set of objects is divided into groups based on their relationships or they are associated with a certain group defined previously. In Seismology the basic object for classification (OTU or Operational taxonomic unit) is a set of seismograms organized in seismic events. The main purpose of earthquake classification is the organization of seismic events in such a way that the genetic reasons for similarity can be investigated. Earthquakes pose particular problems to Taxonomy due to the large number of properties used, the need to treat absent records, the presence of a measure for property reliability and the simultaneous measure of similarity and time lag trough the cross-correlation of waveforms. Once a symmetric similarity matrix is established well known techniques for cluster analysis can be applied to obtain sets of similar earthquake swarms. This methodology was applied to the seismic sequence initiated by the Faial earthquake (9th July 1998) where several earthquake families were identified and relocated.

