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Referência Bibliográfica

MADEIRA, J., BRUM DA SILVEIRA, A., CARMO, R., HIPÓLITO, A. (2011) - Neotectónica e paleossismologia da Falha do Cume da Fajã do Belo, ilha de S. Jorge (Açores).7º Simpósio de Meteorologia e Geofísica da APMG, Setúbal, 28-30 de Março (Comunicação oral). 


​Preliminary results from a neotectonic and paleoseismology study of the WNW-ESE trending Cume da Fajã do Belo Fault in S. Jorge Island are presented. The fault zone is located at the edge of the north cliff on the eastern half of the island. The geomorphic expression of the fault is a set of fault scarps facing both north and south, defining narrow sags and graben. Trenches were open across the main south facing scarp and the southernmost north facing scarp. Both trenches intersected fault surfaces that are directly linked to the scarps which are almost uneroded and devoid of soil, indicating very recent surface ruptures. The main fault displays slickensides indicating dextral normal slip. The surface rupturing events, with estimated magnitudes Mw 6.6 and 6.9, may ​have triggered the landslides that created the littoral platforms present at the base of the north sea-cliff.

