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Referência Bibliográfica

CRUZ, J.V. (2003) - Volcanoes geochemical monitoring in the Azores archipelago: overview and prospect for the future. Vulcânica, Revista Portuguesa de Vulcanologia 1, p. 7-21.


​This paper presents a state-of-the-art of the geochemical monitoring of volcanoes in the Azores archipelago, developed from 1987 to the present. Also, older data from mineral and thermal water springs and gas compositions on fumarolic discharges is presented in order to establish larger observations windows that allow to establish base lines that represent the background activity of the studied volcano. Due to organizational constraints the geochemical observations made in the past were on a time-discrete and erratic approach, and in a few cases the data collection only began after the crisis started, which limited the value of the conclusions. In recent years the geochemical surveillance of volcanic activity in the Azores increased, with a broad spectra of observations, and special attention is devoted to the chemical composition of mineral and thermal waters and gaseous phase on fumaroles, as well as to diffusive soil gas emanations. Due to the sparse distribution and to the great difficulties encountered in reaching certain sampling points, this effort is preliminary focused in a few active volcanoes. As a result, the Fogo and Furnas volcanoes in São Miguel, and the Graciosa island case studies will be illustrated, and this task will be complemented with unpublished data from other volcanoes. To improve this paper, ​historical and more recent geochemical investigations will be distinctly separated.

